Privacy Policy

1. Preamble
Genezys is the first platform to engage fans in supporting the development of sports and athletes via an exclusive and innovative social platform, in particular in that it is monetizable. As the trust of our users is of paramount importance to us, we undertake to ensure that the collection and processing of personal information is carried out in accordance with the legislation in force, in particular Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 "relating to information technology, files and freedoms, known as the Loi Informatique et Libertés and the personal data protection regime provided for by European Union Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

Genezys respects your privacy in a secure digital environment. The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide you with information regarding the collection and processing of your data by Genezys. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Genezys General Terms and Conditions.
2. Purpose of our Responsible Collection of Personal Data
Genezys collects and processes a limited amount of personal data for exclusive and specified purposes: access, use and improvement of the platform and associated services as well as the prevention of fraud risks.
3. Scope of Personal Data Collection and Processing
Genezys collects and processes personal data. Personal data is defined as any information, regardless of its form, which directly or indirectly enables the identification of a natural person. We collect information in the following cases:

  • Requesting information by e-mail or by post: Genezys, 93 Cours Berriat, 38000, Grenoble, France.
  • Use of social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn to contact us and/or interact with our Services.
  • User requests and communications via our support.
  • Creating your user account: Genezys collects and processes personal data to enable you to create and access your User account. From the creation to the deletion of your User account, the transmission of personal data is essential such as: first name, last name, user name, e-mail address, cell phone number, and for the certification of your passport or identity card wallet (for identity verification purposes). Such processing is contractual in the legal sense of the term and enables us to ensure that you comply with Genezys' General Terms and Conditions and any other additional contractual conditions.
  • Website use: the collection of certain personal data will enable us to understand and improve the user experience with the platform. This data consists of various browsing information derived from Cookies or mobile technical identifiers (see Cookie Policy), some of which may include personal data. In countries where the use of cookies is subject to the prior consent of users, Genezys processes such data on the basis of your consent.
  • Access and use of Services: Genezys collects and processes your personal data to enable you to access its various Services, including to facilitate the purchase of a Fancard, deposits and withdrawals in your fiat portfolio and digital assets or participation in our commercial or sponsorship operations. The legal basis for such processing is contractual.
  • Both on the primary market (Gallery) and on the secondary market (Marketplace), the purchase of a Fancard as well as its exchange (trading) requires the collection of your user name, your telephone number, your payment ID and part of your credit card number (the last four digits of the credit card to which we have access through our Payment Services providers but which we do not collect and store directly).
  • For the purpose of awarding rewards to winners, Genezys processes your username and phone number. Genezys may publish your username and the prize(s) you have won on its website and social network accounts.
  • To enable participation in our affiliate or referral program, Genezys collects and processes your email address, phone number, username.
  • Website and account security: In this context, Genezys collects certain information about your device and browser such as your browsing data on its site, including your IP address (from which information about your country/location state can be deduced), your account information and details of your transactions. The purpose of such collection is to prevent and take action in the event of a hacking attempt or deliberate attempt to circumvent the General Terms and Conditions issued by Genezys (in the latter case, supporting documents may be requested). Where payment fraud is detected, the relevant personal data will be stored in the Genezys monitoring system and may be used for subsequent checks.

In general, all this personal information is used to better understand your needs and interests, to improve our Service and navigation on our site. It may also be used to personalize our communications, conduct recruitment and marketing campaigns and/or prevent and combat computer fraud.

By using our website, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data.
4. Data Retention 
Except in the case of exceptions provided for by law, Genezys will keep your personal data until your account is closed. This period shall not exceed the period during which the Company must legally (including exceptions) retain the data.
  • Use of the website: personal data relating to the use of the website will not be retained by Genezys after the completion of studies, analyses and related statistical elements.
  • Access to Services: related personal data will be retained for fifteen (15) months from the date of the relevant activity.
  • Blockchain technology: personal data relating to your transactions on Genezys will be stored in perpetuity. 
  • Website and account security: personal data processed for fraud prevention will be stored for three (3) years after the data concerned has been included in an alert list. Personal data processed for security purposes will be kept for five (5) years from the last login to the account or the last suspicious activity.
  • User requests and communications: In order to manage your questions and/or requests, Genezys will retain your personal data for a maximum of three (3) years from the last contact initiated by you.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Genezys may retain certain personal data for a longer period by virtue of its legitimate interests and applicable legal obligations. When the relevant retention period expires, Genezys will delete your personal data or apply appropriate measures to the relevant data to ensure that you can no longer be identified.

If Genezys concludes that it is not necessary to retain your personal data in its active database, it will archive the relevant data. For all active and archived data, Genezys will ensure that access to the relevant personal data is limited to a restricted number of persons with a genuine need to access it.
5. Data Sharing and Transfer (third-party services acting on behalf of Genezys)
As part of Genezys' use of third-party Service providers to facilitate, maintain, improve, analyze and secure the Website, and generally the Services, they may have access to certain personal data. Such access by the third party Service provider will be for the exclusive purpose of carrying out the specific processing assigned to it by Genezys. Third-party Service providers will be required to present sufficient guarantees for the performance of the processing activity concerned with regard to the requirement to protect personal data.
6. Minority
The website and associated services are reserved for persons aged eighteen (18) or over. In accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, Users under the age of 18 may not access the website and associated services.
7. Request for Access, Consultation and Deletion of Personal Data
As a User of the Genezys platform, you have the right to access, correct, move or delete your personal data, as well as the right to restrict the way in which your data is processed. You also have the right to send us instructions defining how your personal data should be managed after your death.

To exercise your rights or to ask us a question about Genezys' data privacy practices, you can contact us by email or by post: Genezys, 93 Cours Berriat, 38000, Grenoble, France.

Genezys will endeavour to respond to your request or query as quickly as possible, and at the latest within one (1) month of receipt of the request. For complex requests, we reserve the right to extend this period to three (3) months.

Individuals located in France may also submit a complaint to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés ("CNIL"). Individuals located in another Member State of the European Union may submit a request to the competent data protection authority in their country of residence.

If you wish to request the deletion of your personal data, you may use the method described above or simply request the deletion of your User account via your User account settings, as described in the Genezys General Terms and Conditions.

Deleting your account will result in the irreversible deletion of the personal data associated with the account. In order to guarantee the respect of your rights without altering the history and traceability of each Trading Card you owned, the username associated with the ownership of these Fancards will be rendered pseudonymous and replaced by a random series of alphanumeric characters.

It is essential that you save all the Fancards and financials stored in your Wallet to an external non-custodial wallet and bank account, respectively, prior to any deletion request. All Fancards and financial items stored in your Portfolio that have not been transferred out of your Genezys account by the deletion date will be permanently irretrievable. Genezys shall in no event be liable for the permanent loss of all your Fancards and financial items that have not been saved/transferred prior to a deletion request.
8. Cookies
A "cookie" is a small text file (less than 4 Kb) stored on your computer or cell phone when you visit a website. It has a limited lifespan and does not identify you personally. Cookies are widely used to facilitate the use of Internet sites and secure browsing. They also enable us to collect a certain amount of information about your use of the site.

There are session cookies, which disappear as soon as you leave the website, and permanent cookies, which remain on your terminal until their lifetime expires or until you delete them using your browser's functions.

We use the following cookies, both's own cookies and third-party cookies:
  • Essential cookies: these cookies are strictly necessary for the proper operation of the site and to guarantee you a secure connection. They are activated automatically and you cannot refuse them. Cookies used: fs-cc, fs-cc-updated
  • Third-party functional cookies: these cookies are used to collect information on how visitors navigate our website, such as the number of visitors, the web page that redirects them to and the pages consulted (Google analytics: ga, gat, gat, gid; Facebook: _fbp).

By using our website, you expressly consent to the use of cookies; please note, however, that you can disable or delete them at any time in your browser settings.
9. Security
In view of the efforts made by Genezys to protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of your User account and related personal data, we recommend that you follow best practices, including storing your account information personally (in the absence of backup by us) in a secure manner and retaining such information. 
10. Updates to this Privacy Policy
As Genezys evolves and regulations change, this Privacy Policy may change. Your rights under this policy will not be diminished without your express consent. In addition, any changes to the privacy policy will be posted on this page. Each new version will be identified at the bottom of this page by its effective date, and previous versions will be retained and available for review.
11. Applicable Law
This Privacy Policy is governed by and interpreted in accordance with French and European law, in particular: 

  • European Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and in particular Article 13 ;
  • Law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, in particular article 6;
  • Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms as amended by LAW no. 2018-493 of June 20, 2018 relating to the protection of personal data for matters concerning the processing of personal data.
12. Jurisdiction
Where permitted or required by applicable law, you agree that the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction. However, if you are a consumer and a resident of any other member of the European Union, you and Genezys may also bring proceedings in that country.
13. Your Liability 
By accepting this policy, you agree to keep your personal data on Genezys up to date and to provide only accurate and up-to-date personal data. In addition, if you send us information that would enable us to identify, directly or indirectly, other natural persons, you represent and warrant that, prior to sharing such information, this Policy has been communicated to such other natural persons and, to the extent applicable, that they have consented to the processing of their personal data.
14. Effective Date
This Privacy Policy comes into force on 1st August 2023.
Cookie Consent

By clicking "Accept", you agree to have cookies stored on your device to improve site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist with our marketing efforts. See our privacy policy for more information.